Search results for: “macho b”

  • When the last known jaguar to consistently roam in the U.S. died of kidney failure after being captured and collared,  many questions about the legality of the permit to collar Macho B were asked, including a call for a federal investigation. Now, the Center for Biological Diversity is doing something about it, suing the Arizona…

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate  lands in Arizona and New Mexico- Not all endangered species receive a designated “critical habitat.”  This is a big thing for the big cat that is a rare inhabitant of the SW U.S.  The trouble is jaguars may not even inhabit the United States on a continuing basis.…

  • Some good news for the day. An apparently healthy male jaguar has been documented in southern Arizona. This is good news after the Macho B incident where another male jaguar, the only one known to live in the entire US, was trapped and later died due to trapping stress.  We wrote about that incident in…

  • Was Macho B intentionally caught? The question about whether or not jaguar scat was placed at the trap site or not is the focus of the article. One former employee says she placed the scat at the trap site on the orders of her boss while the employee who was fired recently says she is…

  • The investigation of Macho B’s death is ongoing I saw this story but was too busy to post it when it was published last month. I’m posting it now because I think it is an important story and also because we’ve been covering the saga of Macho B, the last wild jaguar in the US.…

  • Documents and e-mails suggest state may have lacked authority to take cat Could the capture and subsequent death of the only wild jaguar in the U.S. by Arizona Game and Fish have been illegal? Permit for jaguar’s capture questioned ARIZONA DAILY STAR

  • Former Arizona Game and Fish Employee claims she was told to bait the trap with female jaguar scat obtained from the Phoenix Zoo or the Reid Park Zoo. I baited jaguar trap, research worker says Arizona Daily Star

  • USFWS and Arizona Game and Fish in a sloppy screw-up? An interesting article today in Demarcated Landscapes. Update. Jaguar may have experienced ‘capture myopathy’. Necropsy by zoo inconclusive, two outside vets say. By Tim Steller. Arizona Daily Star Update 4/2. I baited jaguar trap, research worker says. Attorney general opens investigation into capture. Biologist denies…

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