September 2006

  • Several days ago a suspicious fire began in the Deep Creek Mountains near Rockland, Idaho, and burned fast — the Rockland Fire. It is now 4000 acres. Yesterday another suspicious fire broke out about 10 miles SW of Rockland at the base of the Sublette Range. It is burning hard. It is 3000 acres and…

  • The Chamberlain Basin Pack, deep in the Frank Church Wilderness, was relocated and a radio collar put on a pup last week. In 1996, the first three Idaho wolf packs formed — Chamberlain Basin, Selway, and Landmark. All contact with the Chamberlain Basin pack was lost in 2001, but this year there they were at…

  • Wolf scat can harbor parasites like tapeworms. This fact is being used to scare people. Here is a recent report by Ed Bangs, head of the Northern Rockies Wolf Recovery Project, in their weekly “Gray Wolf Recovery Progress Report”

  • So it turns out that the Derby Fire is the largest by far of the many forest fires in the Northern Rockies this year, although I should add there have been some larger range fires in Idaho and Nevada. The fire is still raging, and some wildlife has been caught in the fast moving fire.…

  • The Washington County [Utah] Growth and Conservation Act would designate over 200,000 acres of very scenic public lands as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System, but the guts of the act is the part that sells 25,000 acres of US public land near booming St. George, Utah to developers. The money would finance a…

  • We get quite a few requests for photos. Although we have some, the Wolf Recovery Foundation does not sell photographs of wolves, but the web sites below do. I have linked to photographers who have been generous enough to donate photos of wolves to us. Although these web sites may not have “wolf” in their…

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