September 2006
There was a gathering of climate experts this week in Helena, MT. The effects of global warming in Montana were described with more and greater wildfires being just one of the most obvious. There has been a furious debate in recent years whether the increase in forest fires is due to bad forest practices, not…
There is a danger in Grand Teton for bicyclists from vehicles, especially the big RVs that they let in for some reason and for the same fare as a small automobile. The Park Service wants bike paths separate from the roads. This may be a very good idea. However, many of them will be in…
This article was written by Jesse Harlan Alderman. Associated Press Writer. It gives some political background on Rex Rammell, whose shooter elk escaped and are being hunting down to prevent spread of disease and genetic pollution. Turns out he is an anti-government kinda guy. His political views seem to account for his lack of compliance…
The Wyoming Range may be the prettiest mountains in Wyoming you never heard of. The begin about 20 miles south of Jackson Hole. They continue southward for many miles, paralleling the Salt River Range. They are full of elk, and massive fields of wildlife flowers. They have been little developed because the soils are very…
Here’s one I missed even though I worked very hard trying to stir up comments on the plan to use all sorts of motorized vehicles to go after predators in designated Wilderness areas. The Wilderness Act and the orginal rules issued to implement it did not view predators as a Wilderness problem, but to be…
Both Democrat Jerry Brady and Republican gubernatorial hopeful Butch Otter are saying they support a ban on the “shooter bull” operations that are cropping up in Idaho. A recent television report said there were 14 canned hunt farms and 78 elk farms. A distinction should be made between the two, but both are controversial, with…
Although it hasn’t been officially announced, I understand the recent plan to reduce the wolf population by 80% for five years over a large portion of north central Idaho has been withdrawn. I regard this as one of the biggest victories in a long time. Idaho Fish and Game Commission proposed it as a way…
200 people showed up at the meeting in Blackfoot, Idaho. That is really a lot for Bingham County, Idaho. The county commission required double-fencing of the elk shooting gallery for rich “hunters.” There are lots of wild deer and elk outside the operation. Nevertheless, they approved it. Read story in the Idaho State Journal.