September 2006

  • I got some email and there was a post further down in the blog that there is fairly good evidence that a group or a pack of wolves has formed in Eastern Oregon near or in the Wallowa Mountains. The Wallowas are close to Hells Canyon which is the Oregon-Idaho border. There are wolf packs…

  • The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has adopted the first mountain lion management plan the state has ever had. The Wyoming Wildlife Federation welcomed the plan. The Casper Star Tribune has the article. Read it. Added on Sept. 20. Here is a link (pdf file) to the Wyoming Mountain Lion Plan.

  • The Derby Fire Credit: Mike Granger, Division Supervisor Winds continued to drive the Derby Fire yesterday, now at 195,000 acres. Three other fires burned in the Absaroka mountains portion of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness north of Yellowstone Park: Pine Creek, Jungle Creek and Passage Falls. The Big Creek Fire in the Gallatin Range, west of Paradise…

  • Unless folks know the country, it might not seem unusual to learn a grizzly was captured and released in Northwest Montana. However, the Salish Range lies between the “Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem” and the “Cabinet-Yaak” grizzly recovery area. Twenty years ago bear researchers hoped to find interchange of bears between the Cabinet-Yaak, and its small…

  • An injured lone wolf attacked a number of people at Lake Superior Provincial Park. Read about it in the Hamilton, Ontario newspaper. Article.

  • The New York Times has a major article on the Derby fire today. “McLEOD, Mont., Sept. 6 — The Boulder Valley, which bumps up against the wilderness north of Yellowstone National Park, is a quiet corner with an unusual mix of residents. They include celebrities, the merely wealthy, ranchers and others drawn to a place…

  • It’s usually the other way arong, with Wyoming game management worrying Idaho. Wyoming elk even passed on brucellosis to Idaho cattle, causing Idaho to lose its “brucellosis free” status. The escape of these farm elk into the greater Yellowstone elk population now worries Wyoming, a state with sloopy elk management, but also a state that…

  • Defenders of Wildlife is looking for a person who would like a job with “a wide range of duties related to the wolf conservation programs of the Northern Rockies [Idaho] field office, as well as assisting in implementing compensation and wolf guardian programs.

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