October 13, 2006
Here is the AP article. The article says the “president of Americans with Disabilities Access Alliance, is looking for a crowd of off-roaders to drive . . . ” The idea is to get some tickets and challenge them in court, but I want to comment on another aspect of this. For years, off-road vehicle…
“Buffaloed” asked if I would post this. Buffaoled puts two issues together in way that makes sense to me. Ralph Maughan – – – – Freudenthal to Idaho: Ban Game Farms While I agree with Wyoming Governor Freudenthal’s call for closing of game farms in Idaho it reminds me of this article from back in…
This is from a news release today from the University of Wyoming. It is interesting that the rouge prions don’t show up in in the hearts of mule deer. There is of yet little evidence that CWD can jump from cervids to humans like mad cow did from cattle to humans. Nevertheless, I would be…