October 14, 2006

  • “In an effort to help increase the deer population and also protect grazing sheep in Utah, the state provides money to eight Utah counties to pay bounties for killing coyotes.” Read the story in in Tooele Transcript Bulletin. Tooele is pronounced (TA will a). Offering bounties on coyotes is a long discredited program, nevertheless it…

  • We’ve all seen on TV and printed ads how sensitive about the land the oil industry is. They drill many wells from just one pad, avoiding surfance disturbance. If the land cannot bear any suface occupancy, they drill at an angle under it (called “directional drilling”). Yes, they can do these things, just like it…

  • There has been a sudden realization that the massive industrialization of Wyoming’s open spaces by the natural gas industry is making a wrenching change to the state’s outdoor heritage — its clean air, vistas, wildlife. Today there were numerous newspaper stories on the seemingly unstoppable conquest of Wyoming by the petroleum industry. ‘We’re going to…

  • Folks have been fighting the proposed Rock Creek mine in the Cabinet Mountains of NW Montana for about 20 years now. It has been stalled. Now the USFWS has rewritten its earlier objection to the mine saying that with all the money for mitigation work planned, the grizzly will actually benefit. This may be so.…

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