October 2006

  • The poor dears! Story in the Idaho Mountain Express. By Steve Benson.

  • Dr. John Way commented on the thread on the Vermont canid, which might be a wolf. I asked him if he would write about the relationship of the large Eastern coyote and wolves. He did. Thanks John!

  • Idaho Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Jerry Brady and Republican nominee Butch Otter finally had a debate of sorts. It turns out they differ considerably on conservation issues. Otter’s lack of clarity on the out-of-state-funded “property rights” Proposition 2 was troublesome. They also differed on Wilderness and Otter made it clear that while he might sign a…

  • Carnivore conservation has a great story on the slow and threatened return of the jaguar to the American Southwest. If the border fence is built, I think part of the plan should be a reintroduction of jaguar. Note that President Bush recently signed an authoization to build a 700 mile fence along the Arizona/Mexico border,…

  • Wolves continually disperse southward in Wyoming following the drainages like the Greys River and the flanks of the Wyoming Range and the Salt River Range. Most, but not all, run into lots of livestock, especially sheep as they get further south, and the wolves disappear. Here, from last summer, is a band of sheep getting…

  • Hmmm. Well I’m opposed to this “property rights measure,” and folks might note I’m plenty angry. Here is a story in the New York Times that features Idaho as ground zero for the so-called “property rights” measures. Anger Drives Property Rights Measures. New York Times. This ” Katie Breckenridge” of Picabo, Idaho might be angry…

  • A decade ago, “old west” patterns of thinking were still strongly preventing a realistic assessment of what the Western United States was really doing and how it was changing. These attitudes are now giving way, but slowly. Here is how the Sonoran Institute sees it. You’e Come a Long Way, Cowboy

  • Logan Canyon is a well known and loved, lengthy canyon through the Bear River Range of the Wasatch. Autumn colors are always brilliant as this on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2006. In Logan, Canyon. Bear River Range. Sunday, Oct. 8, 2006. Copyright Ralph Maughan

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