November 2006
Brodie Farquhar wrote about the recent decline in snowmobile use inside Yellowstone in the Casper Star-Tribune today, November 13, 2006. A telling quote was that of a snowmobile dealer in Cody, Wyoming. “Big-time snowmobile fans relish speed and resent the mandate that all snowmobiles be commercially guided, [Ed] Wells said. “That was the last straw,”…
No surprise, it’s just an indication that natural gas drilling continues to be first in the Green River Basin and that the BLM works for the oil and gas industry (courtesy of George W. Bush). For those of you who live in areas where the oil and gas boys are yet to begin, you and…
This is article for those folks worried about wolves killing and eating them. What’s more common than a fatal wolf attack, a deer attack! Deer Attacks, Kills His Owner in New York. AP I know a woman in Pocatello, Idaho who was almost killed by a deer in the local zoo.
This article was written by Dr. Gordon Haber, a wildlife biologist at the University of Alaska, and it appeared in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Nov. 12. 2006. No scientific basis for current wolf control program. By Gordon Haber Haber is probably correct, for the basis for most wolf population reduction programs is political, not scientific.
Here is more about the effect of the elections on the Interior Western U.S. and the environment. The change in who chairs the congressional committees will make a huge difference. Anti-wildlife House Resources chair Richard Pombo, will not only lose his chairmanship, but his congressional seat. In the US Senate, Jim Imhofe, who gets his…
A lot of folks in New Jersey would rather try to control the state’s burgeoning bear population with bear birth control rather than hunting. A study indicates birth control is not very effective and it is costly. Read the article at Carnivore Conservation.
Yesterday it was revealed that the famous Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier National Park had washed out in the big Pacific Northwest rainstorm. Today the news is that flooding has closed Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington State. More rain is predicted for today and this weekend. News Story.
This issue has been very controversial, and the Service’s designation is very small. It is only 10% of what was first proposed, and it is almost entirely inside national parks where the designation hardly matters. Story from the Daily InterLake (Kalispell, Montana).