November 2006
With little vegetation to hold it back, an expected torrent of snowmelt waters next spring has prompted Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to move rare Yellowstone cutthroat trout out of two streams inside the giant wildlife fire’s perimeter. They are being put into streams 30 miles away until the channel condition of the burn area…
This story has appeared in a number of newspapers. This one is from the Union of Concerned Scientists about the actions of BushCo at the top of the Dept. of Interior. “High-ranking political appointees within the Department of the Interior have rewritten numerous scientific documents to prevent the protection of several highly imperiled species under…
They can’t delist wolves until Wyoming agrees to come up with an acceptable wolf management plan, and that’s not going to happen. Therefore, both Idaho and Montana are asking Interior Secretary Kempthorne to issue a special two state delisting. Because Idaho already has full day-to-day management authority already except to reduce wolves because they think…
One of the Wilderness areas I haven’t spent much time in is Utah’s largest, the High Uintas Wilderness, which embraces much of this unique 13,000 foot plus east/west uplift (almost all of the Rocky Mountains run north/south). The Wilderness is very popular in Utah with a few trailheads very crowded. I long wondered why most…
—————————— “Wolves killing sheep, cattle by the dozens near Council” That was the story blared on KTVB television in Boise. Here is that story. However, there have been NO new depredations in the Blue Bunch pack area since July and then it was only a few sheep kills, not a mass slaughter. Suzanne Stone of…
So far the elk tested from Rex Rammell’s elk shooting farm have tested negative for diseases or the genes of red deer (European elk). Not all have been tested. The escape of his domestic elk was a big controversy a month ago and was covered heavily on this blog and in the main stream media.…
Just another piece of bad news from that part of Wyoming that is getting totally screwed up. From the Billings Gazette. AP story.
Some folks thought it was a wolf hybrid, some thought a wolf. It has been preying on sheep in NE Montana for over a year. It turned out to be a wolf, way out on the Montana plains. There is no evidence that other wolves are in the area. The wolf was a bit more…