December 5, 2006
Both CIEDRA and the Owyhee Initiative are probably stuck and will die in this Congress due to the failure of the current “lame duck” session to take them up in the short period of time available. Both bills have been very controversial with many conservation groups calling them “too weak” and with too many “giveaways.”…
Yes, they are killing more wolves after livestock attacks. This will not reduce the wolf population unless, other things being unchanged, the mortality rate reaches 30 to 40% a year. A more significant question is “does this do any good and is it cost-effective?” Does it make economic sense to call out the Wildlife Services…
The large canid that killed sheep for over a year in northeast central Montana and which was finally shot about a month ago, might not have been a wolf afterall, but the possibility that it was a wolf has not been ruled out. As in life, controversy continues over the animal’s nature and origin even…