December 2006

  • I think poaching of trophy animals and the impetus to have fenced encloses where people can shoot bull elk and other big game (turned into livestock) comes from the same motivation–get those antlers by “hook or crook.” The increase in poaching may be due to the underfunding of wildlife law enforcement. The New York Times…

  • Idaho Senator Larry Craig and second district Idaho Representative Mike Simpson are feuding over CIEDRA and the Owyhee Initiative. Craig came up with a last minute insistence on money to fund the buyouts in the measures, which he knew would kill them because Congress couldn’t even pass a budget this year. I’ve been telling every…

  • The results of this study probably won’t surprise anyone, but that doesn’t mean that the same thing won’t happen the next mine. The “rosy scenario” has many more lives than we do. Story in Helena Independent Record. By Eve Byron. “Past predictions on mining impacts to water quality often were faulty, which led to increased…

  • One of Rex Rammell’s escaped elk has tested positive for red deer genes for the second time, and so one of the major fears that prompted the emergency elk hunt was warranted. Story in the Idaho Falls Post Register.

  • The Missoulian has an editorial lauding the current wolf management regime. However, I fundamentally disagree that wolf management requires active management, killing wolves if there are too numerous and proping them up if the numbers fall too low. The best way to manage wolves is to make sure there is good habitat for elk and…

  • . . . and the message is a negative one. Read his column in New West. He points out that the entire newly imposed structure of fees to fund recreation on our public lands has been established by “midnight” riders to appropriations bills, “temporary programs” that somehow became permanent, or provisions buried deep within complex…

  • Yes that’s headline in the Casper Star Tribune in a story that Wyoming has regained its “brucellosis free” status from the federal agency Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). The Star-Tribune said that Jerry Diemer, associate director of veterinary services for APHIS “congratulated the Livestock Board, the governor’s brucellosis task force, the Wyoming Game…

  • This is the Idaho version of the group I referred to as Sportsmen for Feeding and Whining (in Wyoming). They don’t support feeding in Idaho (or at least I don’t think so). Basically what they do is find the most backward ideas about hunting and fishing in each state and organize around them. Nate Helm…

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