Last week was the day for organization “Sportmen for Fish and Wildlife-Idaho” to show up in Boise to rally against wolves, but today “representatives from about 31 sporting organizations, from bowhunters to bass anglers, gathered for the first “Camo Day” to make their unified presence known to lawmakers.”
While this was hardly a rally in favor of carnivores, it represents an important effort by sportsmen groups together advocating on behalf wildlife issues, especially against privatization, canned hunting, and for more protection of wildlife and fish habitat, and away from the divide and conquer tactics waged by the extractive industries in the past in Idaho.
Here is the story in the Idaho Statesman. 200 sportsmen from 31 groups tell lawmakers, ‘We’re watching’. Idaho Statesman By Roger Phillips
Here is the link to Idaho Sportsmen’s Caucus Advisory Council which organized the event.