January 2007

  • I would urge everyone with a conservation related web page to link to this website which just went up. Idaho Wolves Myths and Facts. I think it pretty much destroys all of the mythology being propagated.

  • It am posting the story as it appeared in the Central Florida News (not an Idaho news source) because it illustrates a point that he may not understand — you can’t thumb your nose at the country like you could 20 years ago. The Internet has made it different. Idaho Governor Calls for Gray Wolf…

  • Here the the news release from the BLM. The public lands managed by the BLM in southeast Idaho are relatively scattered. The major problem is overgrazing by livestock (coupled with almost no enforcement of the grazing regulations). The BLM staff has been cowed into submission. A lot of them want to do a good job…

  • Idaho is generally thought to be safe from the onslaught of the natural gas drillers, but in fact a portion of Eastern Idaho has the same geological structure as part of gas-rich Wyoming. The “Overthrust Belt” ranges of the Rocky Mountains run along the Idaho/Wyoming border. This intensely folded and even overturned area of thrust-faulting…

  • I am writing this at the coldest time of winter at Pocatello in SE Idaho, with a chance that temperatures will even dip below zero this weekend, something that has become a rarity, although 20 years ago it was common in the winter. One winter it got down to -38 degrees F. The Eastern U.S.…

  • For years noisy and dirty snowmobiles dominated winter tourism in Yellowstone, but now they are beginning to be displaced by a new generation of clean, quieter, and warm snowcoaches. The coaches also feature numerous options for stopping, and dropping off skier and snowshoers, stripping away one of the arguments in favor of snowmobiles — the…

  • The coyote is probably the most successful predatory animal in North America. Contests like this have little effect on the coyote population, which over the last hundred years spread from the western United States to all of North America because of the elimination of the wolf and human induced ecological changes that increase coyote habitat.…

  • In my old conservation news at http://www.forwolves.org/ralph/stories.html I repeatedly referred to J. Steven Griles Assistant Secretary of Interior as “ethically-challenged.” Griles was number two at the Dept. of Interior, behind Secretary of Interior Gale Norton. It appears Griles is now in real trouble. He has been told by federal investigators that he is a target…

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