February 10, 2007
Wyo-fed wolf talks fail. By Whitney Royster. Casper Star Tribune. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. Wolf Decision ‘Political’ The US Fish and Wildlife Service has refused to let Wyoming kill wolves just because the governor says the wolves are “hurting big game herds.” Governor Dave Freudenthal (Dem.) has given many contradictory explanations…
Global Warming Report: Less Winter in the West? By Dan Whipple. New West. Whipple doesn’t talk about the effect this will have on wildlife. I think it may allow for more winter range for wildlife, with some notable expections such as Yellowstone Park where it will result in wet snow and ice that leaves elk…
The Rocky Mountain Front continues to be a success story, now with more plains grizzly bear habitat protected. The last Congress greatly reduced the likihood of oil and gas development dangers. See the AP story. The Front still faces problems — off road vehicles and potential sub-divisions. The Nature Conservancy always plays a cautious game,…