February 2007

  • The details of Bush’s proposed budget are becoming clear, and like the old saying “a skunk can’t change its stripes,” it’s the same as it has been for 7 years.

  • By Jean Ossorio. The alpha male of the San Mateo pack–one of the handful of breeding pairs (six or seven, depending on how you interpret the definition in the Final Rule) at the end of 2006–has been slapped with a removal order by the USFWS for a third livestock depredation within 365 days. The rest…

  • A bill in the Idaho Legislature would reduce the recent $26.50 per wolf tag set by the Fish and Game Commission to $9.75. My guess that will have no effect on the number of wolves killed, but is another signal to the outside world the Idaho legislators don’t like wolves. A co-sponsor of the bill…

  • A lot of folks in Idaho wonder what they study at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station near Dubois, Idaho. Pretty interesting stuff! A bare majority of domestic rams are heterosexual. Read the story in Slate Magazine.

  • Folks have been wondering what these Wyoming state-run feedlots look like. The photo is of the Grays River feedlot, a few miles south of Alpine, WY and near the Idaho border (menace to Idaho elk). This small feedlot is right next to a busy highway and it has a fence on 3 sides. The photo…

  • Time for outdoor enthusiasts to step up and slap down an Administration privatization scheme again. Fortunately Congress is now a lot more unfriendly to overt privatization schemes than a a year ago. Idaho’s Senator Larry Craig rejected the President’s latest privatization scheme today. Story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Bush again proposes selling off national forest…

  • Pete Zimowsky has written the hunting and fishing column for years at the Idaho Statesman. Recently he opined against shooting elk in a pen and calling it hunting. Zimo got hit from a web site where they think shooting caged animals is hunting. Zimo: Support for canned hunts is really scary. Idaho Statesman. I checked…

  • The alpha male of Mollies Pack has been stricken with mange. While mange has been a persistent problem around the Park to the north in Montana and to east between the Park and Cody, this is the first case in the Park. Story in the Billings Gazette. When a wolf gets mange, it tends to…

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