February 2007
The latest NYT article on the ironic delisting of wolves — “they’re recovered now we can reduce their numbers again as close to zero as we can get away with.” For Wolves, a Recovery May Not Be the Blessing It Seems. New York Times. By Jim Robbins.
They’ve gone and done it again — dropped public land grazing fees as low as the law allows. For a buck, thirty-five a month ranchers can let a cow stomp all over the the public land trample the banks and shit in the streams. Oh, yes, and their calves get to do it for free.…
Conflicting bids over state land leases, and whether prior lease holders should get preferential treatment at the expense of public education revenues has spilled over into the Wyoming Legislature. House Bill 318 would generally point away from conservation groups willing to pay two-to-three times as much for state land leases than the livestock producers who…
I know it’s hard to believe, but here it is in USA Today. President pushes boost in funding for national parks. $100 million a year would help restore services. By Richard Wolf
Idaho’s new governor has another brand new idea fresh out of the 1940s — build more dams in Idaho to impound water. It might sound great if you haven’t followed the issue for a generation. Yes, there are dam sites left in Idaho, but there is not enough flow in the rivers to fill them.…
The BLM has pulled 8 of ten lease offerings on a key wildlife migration route in Sublette County, WY after protests by local citizens and many groups. The BLM is trying to claim the areas they planned to offer were really a mistake. Yeh right! Story. BLM pulls Sublette lease parcels after glitch. By Whitney…
It looks like Wyoming may not act in time to use the “window of opportunity” to get its wolf plan approved by USFWS, and so get the wolves delisted in Wyoming. The legislature keeps coming up with perfectly awful plans that even the new wolf-hating head of the USFWS knows can’t pass muster. With luck…
A definitive report says that global warming is caused directly and indirectly by human activities. This report was known to have been in the works for quite a while and would have very negative conclusions. Today there are many stories about it. I notice that the greatest warming in the United States is predicted for…