February 2007
Alan Gregory has a story in Counterpunch today. Midwest Wolves Fall Prey to PR Scam. Who Knew Slob Hunters Had PR Agents? He is a regular poster at this blog and has it own at: Alan Gregory’s Conservation News.
In the last two years alone, Devaney’s office [Inspector general] has uncovered golf outings, dinners, hunting trips, concert tickets and box seats at sporting events being accepted against the rules by Interior officials. The office also uncovered exclusive access and special favors by Interior employees to select outside groups. Corruption has been rife in the…
With fewer and cleaner snowmobiles entering the Park, the air isn’t quite as dirty as it was. Read, Winter air improving at Yellowstone. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette.
Congress has never had a straight up or down vote on the federal recreation access tax, and Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio wants one on Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) or RAT which was slipped into law as an amendment to a bill. Read “Time to Kill the RAT?” by Bill Schneider. New West.
Today I celebrated the most dangerous office in American government by going shopping, and reading about how Coalition of Retired National Park Service Employees has helped stifle most environmentally destructive President in History. It’s at Thunderbear, an alternative newspaper I was unaware of until today. Read Thunderbear 271.
Sunday at the Silent City of Rocks, Idaho (near the ID/UT/NV border). The prominent rock is the Twin Sisters (a popular climb) The snow-capped range is the Raft River Mountains (in NW Utah very close to the Nevada border). I love this obscure country, and will be getting out more and more in the future.…
21 Pronghorn Dead. Deadliest Roadkill Ever in Wyoming. By Brian Maffly. New West Many have had the experience of pronghorn racing along your vehicle, sometimes even sprinting to pass the road in front of you. Something like that may have happened.
This editorial appeared in the Bozeman Chronicle. The Gallatin National Forest has been working on a new Gallation forest travel plan for years now. There are an incredible number of interests to satisfy, but the minority who seem to have lost use of their legs, but not their mouths, has bullied its way against the…