March 2007

  • State wants helicopters to rescue wolf-kill program. BEHIND SCHEDULE: Fuel costs, bad weather leave [“biologists”] far short of goal to kill 382 wolves. By Alex deMarban. Anchorage Daily News. With the state’s wolf-kill program severely behind schedule — costly fuel and uncooperative weather have grounded many volunteer pilots and gunners — game managers want state…

  • Sometimes there are comments that are just so good, they should be brought to the front as a post. “BE” decided to calculate how much cattle consumed compared to elk. Remember that these animals compete for forage on the range. Read on. . . Webmaster. BE wrote: Interesting facts for hunters who care about elk…

  • Earlier I posted an article on the recent studies of the Yellowstone Hot Spot. Yellowstone’s Quiet Power: A Volcano Forcefully Shapes The Land, Even Between Eruptions. Here is take the Jackson Hole News and Guide did on the study. Puffing Yellowstone hot spot raises valley. By Cory Hatch. The rising plume of magma to the…

  • This story is from the Spokane Spokesman Review.  Was there extra security at the other delisting meetings. Link to “Extra Security Planned.”  By James Hagengruber. Note: the Spokesman Review  is a link unfriendly newspaper. Hope the link above continues to work, at least for a while.

  • This is related to the proposed listing of the polar bear, something that has a lot to do with climate change. The New York Times got a copy of a USFWS memo, and it shows the DOI’s continuing subordination of science to Administration politics — employees need authorization to speak about the issue. Here is…

  • The next to the last wolf hearing was held Web. night in Pendleton, Oregon, a state that officially has no wild wolves, although most think one or more do wander the Eastern Oregon backcountry. The initial news story reads like wolf supporters had a pretty good turnout. Story in the Oregonian. Breaking News. The last…

  • Record number for arrests in Yellowstone. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Conservationists issue Western energy agenda. By Judith Kohler. Associated Press writer. We know the agenda for the West from the Republicans — fossil fuel development forever, but the Western governors, especially the Democrats have had a lot to say lately about a new kind of energy development, and it could be pretty unfriendly to the…

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