March 2007

  • I thought folks would be interested in this because of the focus on the Southwest. I know a lot of people are celbrating the recent victory keeping oil and gas out of the famed Valles Caldera in northern New Mexico, but what they don’t know it that the public is excluded and this exclusionary semi-public…

  • There have been several very warm days, and the snow is melting fast. The first grizzly tracks were spotted on February 28. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch. Update: I have been told by a local observer that the bears are out in the Madison Valley (near West Yellowstone) and…

  • Because I mostly grew up in Logan, Utah, the fact that often has the dirtiest air in America (in the winter) is most discouraging. The immediate problem is a strong inversion layer. The nearby valleys are snow-free and warm and Cache Valley (Logan) remains with snow and still air that allows the auto exhaust to…

  • Here is the story on the Boise hearing from the Idaho Statesman. Hearing on delisting plan draws wolf friends, foes: Activists fear money, will to protect predators are lacking, but state vows to manage responsibly. By Rocky Barker – Idaho Statesman. There are other versions of the story appearing on-line. Tonight will be the Oregon…

  • This is a good story over at “Wild Again,” underscoring why Idaho cannot manage wolves given the current political leadership. Idaho Governor Howls for Wolf Delisting. Wild Again (Sinapu)

  • Most folks who are planning to attend, no doubt already know it, but this is a reminder.You will only be allowed to talk for 2-3 minutes, but the most important thing is to let the media know there is wolf support in the crowd. Here is the schedule of the remaining hearings. March 6, 2007,…

  • Several media outlets have this story today. Here it is in Scientific American. Another Asian Export: Stronger Pacific Storms: the tiny particles spewed by Asian industry have been strengthening storms over the Pacific for the last decade. By David Biello

  • Representative Mike Simpson is reintroducing his Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act and Senator Mike Crapo his Owyhee Canyonlands bill. Both measures failed in the last Congress, although Simpson’s CIEDRA came close to being sent to Bush’s desk. Here is the story in today’s Idaho Statesman.“Simpson, Crapo again push their wilderness bills. Lawmakers say…

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