March 2007

  • Wolves in Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin are now fully delisted. However, the state wolf management plans in these states are much more friendly toward wolves than what Idaho proposes and Wyoming (kill them all outside Yellowstone Park). Wolves in the Northern Rockies are NOT fully delisted and litigation is much more likely although litigation is…

  • The Bush administration ran a systematic campaign to play down the dangers of climate change, demanding hundreds of politically motivated changes to scientific reports and muzzling a pre-eminent expert on global warming, Congress was told yesterday. Read the rest in The Guardian. March 20. “Bush Appointees ‘watered down’ Greenhouse Science.” By Suzanne Goldenberg and James…

  • The Blue Ribbon Coalition is not one of my favorite groups because of their uncompromising stance in favor of recreational motor vehicles. They also try to get me fired every so often. I do get their alerts to their members, however. Here is one very relevant to those who care about the Bridger-Teton National Forest,…

  • Here is the Buffalo Field Campaign’s news release on the big congressional hearings on Yellowstone bison management to be held Tuesday, March. 20. – – – – – For immediate release, Monday, March 19, 2007 Contact: Mike Mease 406-646-0070 or Stephany Seay 406-848-2130 WASHINGTON, D.C. On Tuesday, at the request of the Subcommittee on National…

  • Here’s another elk herd in wolf country that is deemed too populous — Wyoming’s Fall Creek herd (just south and SW of Jackson) On the other hand, there are too few mule deer in the Wyoming Range, especially the buck to doe ratio. Wolves are not tolerated in the Wyoming Range (too far south WY…

  • My, but the bison hearing set in Washington for tomorrow is already having positive results in Montana. What a different a change in the control of a congressional committee can make! Is a bison solution finally in sight after 13 years of slaughter and confinement to the Park? Story- Deal on bison travel close. Park…

  • Sportsmen, conservationists, and the average Idahoan seemed outraged at nearly unregulated proliferation of “elk farms” and “shooter bull” operations in Idaho. Many bills were introduced into the Legislature in January, but they all died. Given the weak bill left, perhaps it is best that it was finally shot down by a bi-partisan coalition of Republicans…

  • Now under new management, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee in Natural Resources is holding a hearing on the Yellowstone bison situation. The House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands will hold a hearing at March 20, 10 AM EDT. It will be webcast. Go to on Tuesday and look for the…

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