BFC says Montana DOLs bison hazing threatens motorists

 Post 1011

It should be obvious that harassed bison running out of the lodgepole pine forest across US 191, where most vehicles travel at least 60 mph, is very dangerous.

Montana DOL is going to get someone killed. When that tragedy happens, maybe the multi-million dollar lawsuit will make the Department of Livestock change their ways.

Here is a news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign on this issue which has become very immediate with DOL’s recent hazing of 500 bison back into Yellowstone Park.

Here is BFC’s news release


P.O. BOX 957


406-646-0070 (phone)


Department Of Livestock Ignores IBMP Adaptive Change Agreement;

Unnecessary Haze Exacerbates Bison Migration

Exclusive BFC Video & Photos Available Upon Request
For Immediate Release: April 13, 2007
Contact: Stephany Seay (406) 646-0070

WEST YELLOWSTONE, MONTANA. The Montana Department of Livestock’s (DOL) massive bison hazing operation on Tuesday and Wednesday is aggravating bison migration and endangering motorists traveling highway 191 and 287 near West Yellowstone. Commerce, tourism and local residents are being adversely impacted by DOL activities.

Buffalo Field Campaign helps facilitate safe highway crossings for bison and warns motorists of their presence on the road. Prior to the DOL’s hazing operation, the bison had safely migrated to Gallatin National Forest’s Horse Butte Peninsula, public land where cattle never graze. Bison are supposed to be tolerated there, according to adaptations made to the Interagency Bison Management Plan in November 2006.

The IBMP adaptations memorandum can be viewed at:

“According to the adaptive changes, these buffalo should have been left alone,” said Stephany Seay, spokesperson for Buffalo Field Campaign. “There are no cattle within 40 miles of here, and now hundreds of bison are having to cross the highway again, unnecessarily.”

The Department of Livestock’s agent in charge of field operations, Rob Tierney, made it clear that he was not familiar with the specifics of the agreement or its timelines. When asked why DOL was not implementing the changes he said that the agreement only applied to bull bison, yet it applies to all bison. This week’s hazing operations took place a full month earlier than specified in the IBMP agreement, which allows for the adaptive changes until May 15.

“What is the point of having an agreement if Montana’s State Veterinarian refuses to apply that agreement and is given full discretion to do so?” asked BFC Project Director Dan Brister. “What could be more ‘low risk’ than native bison on National Forest land where cattle never graze?”

The DOL forced the buffalo in the opposite direction of their migration, pushing them back over Highway 191. Bison follow instincts rather than political boundaries, so migration has resumed and they – again – have to cross the highway.

On Tuesday and Wednesday thirteen DOL and other IBMP agency law enforcement vehicles were present during the hazes. By Thursday the agents were gone and the bison had resumed migration. No law enforcement efforts are made to help warn motorists of bison along the highway.

Mike Mease, BFC Campaign Coordinator raises serious concerns, “By repeatedly hazing the buffalo before they are ready to return to the Park on their own, the DOL is putting both motorists and bison in unnecessary danger.”

There has never been a documented case of wild bison transmitting the European livestock disease brucellosis to cattle, even prior to implementation of Interagency Bison Management Plan.

American Bison once spanned the continent, numbering between 30 and 50 million. The Yellowstone bison are genetically unique and are America’s only continuously wild herd, numbering fewer than 3,600 animals, .01 percent of the bison’s former population.

1,912 bison have been killed since 2000 under the Interagency Bison Management Plan. Last winter Federal and State agencies killed or authorized the killing of more than 1,010 bison. So far this winter two bison were captured and sent to slaughter by Montana Department of Livestock agents and hunters have killed 58.

Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is the only group working in the field, every day, to stop the slaughter of the wild Yellowstone buffalo. Volunteers defend the buffalo and their native habitat and advocate for their lasting protection. BFC has proposed real alternatives to the current mismanagement of Yellowstone bison that can be viewed at For more information, video clips and photos visit:






Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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