April 23, 2007
I won’t be available for about 4 days, so I’m pleased that BE is going to edit this web page for the next little while. Anyone who hasn’t posted to this blog before goes into moderated comments first, and will have to be approved by BE, who will probably check the page once or twice…
Too many dogs are lost to the M44 Cyanide devices the federal agency Wildlife Services puts out to kill coyotes, and too often they are non-target species. A Utah man is bound to teach them a lesson, and they really need to learn because the dog’s owner suffered some symptoms of cyanide poisoning too. Story…
Scrapie was the first discovered prion disease. There are those who believe it was the origin of both mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease, including the human variant of mad cow disease. Sheep kill planned after rare disease found. By Kathleen Miller. Associated Press writer post 1053
The gas boys are closing in on the Bridger Teton National Forest and people’s homes now. This is a story about the drilling to come at Bondurant, Wyoming. ‘Drilled full of holes?‘ By Whitney Royster. Casper Star Tribune. post 1052
Good News! A major Western Democrat is going after the “RAT.” In my view the RAT is just another Bush Administration effort to slowly privatize the public lands. Senator Baucus Berates Recreation Fee Policy. New West. By Bill Schneider. While a number of Western Senators have spoken against the RAT, such as Idaho’s Senator Craig.…
Story in the Bozeman Chronicle by Scott McMillion. Air pollution a growing concern in Gallatin Valley post 1050