April 2007

  • POST 991 Here is a most unusual story about a man who pretty much functions as a pack member with his three wolves. ‘Wolf Man’ Lives With Pack in the Wild. AOL News. There is going to be a National Geographic Channel documentary on it April 16. Update on April 10. Here is a more…

  •  POST 990 There is no doubt wolves do venture down from Wisconsin to Illinois. They don’t last because of poor habitat, especially because of all the people and agriculture. Dead wolves have have found in Illinois and even crossed the state and made it through most of Indiana, almost to Ohio. Story in the Rockford…

  • The March 30 court victory settting aside Bush’s new forest planning rules, which trivialized forest plans, and excluded them from full environmental analysis, has caused a temporary halt in the progress of the Shoshone National Forest Plan in Wyoming. The Shoshone is one of America’s most prized national forests for scenery and wilderness. Planning on…

  • You might have seen them on the Internet — photos of cougars stalking deer in North Woods of Wisconsin or looking at Michigan children through the windows. At least that’s what the captions to them say. Sometimes things like a stray sagebrush in the photo reveal the truth that the photos were taken in usual…

  • It’s kind of sadly amusing that the article says “Today is the last chance for people to comment on a proposal for the Pinedale Anticline that would add up to 4,400 new wells in a part of Sublette County that biologists say is crucial habitat for pronghorn, sage grouse and mule deer.” [boldface mine] As…

  • This is a run-of-the-mill story about wolf control in the Big Hole Valley of Montana. About 90% of the incidents like this get no media attention. The interesting question is why do some get a news story, especially now 12 years after wolf reintroduction, when there is little news in such news? Generic wolf control…

  • This is amazing, and check out the quote from the rancher. Idaho shooters target National Guard. By John Miller. AP

  • Interior flap trickles down. By Christa Marshall. Denver Post Staff Writer. More on Abramoff, Griles, Norton, and now Italia Federici, a girlfriend who also created a fake conservation group, Republicans for Environmental Advocacy. Grist Magazine also has a story on this. Never underestimate the power of sleeping around

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