May 2007

  • The news about Gov. Gregoire’s deal with the cattle association to put cattle as a “wildife habitat improvement” technique into the state wildlife areas (purchased with public money) for free grazing is now reached westward across the Cascades. Here is a story by Joel Connelly, the well-known columnist at the Seattle Post Intelligencer. “Cattle vs.…

  • Their numbers have grown from just 21 to over 100. Using the Kempthorne/Otter logic, I guess we should butcher 4/5 of them now. Story. Associated Press. (with the original silly headline). Deer-Like Animal Rebounds in Arizona. By Arthur R. Rotstein. post 1117

  • Despite the headline, the article says isn’t clear what the huge pine die-off in Alberta (and, not mentioned in the article, nearby B.C.) will have on the grizzly bear. Scientists using bears to battle bugs. By Jeff Holubitsky, CanWest News Service post 1116

  • Here are the data on the annual winter capture of Yellowstone Park wolves. While the weight data of 2 packs is missing, but just two of these giant “canadian wolves” that were measured topped 100 pounds. Wolf # Date of Capture Pack Sex Pelt Color Age Class Weight pounds 209F 01/30/07 LEOPOLD FEMALE BLACK ADULT…

  • On the Snake River, Dam’s Natural Allies Seem to Have a Change of Heart. By Felicity Barringer. New York Times. Given enough years and enough losses in court, the political support for the four salmon-killing dams on the lower Snake River (in the state of Washington) may be showing cracks. ########## One point I’d like…

  • This important story on the Mexican wolves is from Wild Again, the Sinapu blog.  The story has also been in a number of newspapers the last day or so.  Conservationists Request Suspension of Mexican Wolf-Killing “Predator Control” Policy post 1113

  • Bay Area Indymedia has the following report in the BFC arrests. Local Papers Spin BFC Arrests, As Expected. While I’ll post what the Montana media reports, I think we are going to have to rely on blogs to get at a lot of the facts, given the local domination of people and the media by…

  •  Post 1111 Here is more about the arrest of two BFC volunteers who were filming Montana Department of Livestock’s pointless hazing of Yellowstone bison. If Brister’s account is true, it seems the livestock industry bureaucrats and their irregular police force are notching up the level of harassment. It could also be that MHP stumbled into…

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