May 2007

  • This is by Dr. Franz Camenzind, executive director of the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance. It appears in today’s Billings Gazette. His summation reads: We can either come together and manage wolves like other wildlife species, or we can continue to argue and waste time and money in court and get nowhere. For now, I urge…

  • Disease strikes Idaho fish hatchery, killing 250,000 rainbows. By John Miller. Associated Press.

  •   Comments on the wolf delisting rule for the Northern Rockies are due May 9. One of the best summaries of what you may want to write is at the Sinapu blog. » Action Alert » Government aims to strip wolves in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana of their legal protections. Idaho state government is very…

  • Western Republicans should really take a political hit for this, although they probably won’t. Idaho’s Senator Craig, for example, has been braying how he got money for the rural schools and rural county services (formerly dependent on timber revenues funded). The Bush Administration had wanted to do it by selling off national forest land around…

  • Gov makes good case to protect Wyoming Range. By the Casper Star Tribune Editorial Board. Once the gas companies have a public land oil and gas lease, they have purchased not just the right to drill, but the right to develop; and now they have leases near the Hoback River on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.…

  • The way it is going, fire fighting costs will eat the entire FS budget. Congress does need to keep fire fighting costs in hand, but the present system could defund the national forest system entirely. This article goes well with Rocky Barker’s recent blog, which received some excellent comments here. Note: this system was installed…

  • Alaska didn’t come close to killing the number of wolves it wanted. What a pity. Weather, fuel costs favored the lives of hundreds of wolves. FEWER KILLS: State’s goal was 664 dead; reports put number at less than a third. By Alex deMarban. Anchorage Daily News. At our North American wolf conference recently in Flagstaff,…

  • Story in the New York Times. A big question is whether the fees will stay at the Parks, or will they be siphoned off, like the Forest Services fees, to do the bidding of industrial recreation groups who want to close minimal campgrounds and herd people into high end developments that separate them from nature.…

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