June 5, 2007

  • Wyoming’s Commissioners of Game and Fish are yet another Wyoming group to weigh in against leasing the wildlife rich and scenic Wyoming Range for natural gas exploration and development. However, a lot of the game is already over. Once a lease is issued, it is a property right. The government has to buy it back…

  • Now the other shoe has dropped, and a number of conservation groups have filed a lawsuit to halt the delisting of the grizzly bear in the greater Yellowstone. The grizzly was delisted on May 1, 2007. The greater Yellowstone is in NW Wyoming with substantial portions extending into Montana and Idaho. The full name of…

  • Post 1181 Kathie Lynch just sent me her Memorial Day wolf watching report, actually it is a couple days old because I went driving, hiking, and camping in the Beaverheads/Lemhis on, and near the Idaho/Montana border. No wolf observations, but lots of elk and pronghorn. I want to thank “BE” for watching my web page…

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