June 2007
A short AP piece published in the Casper StarTribune – ‘We have to develop’ – outlines how Kathleen Clarke’s potential replacement as head of BLM, Jim Caswell, sees your public lands as a sea of untapped resources ready for the taking ! “We just have to develop the resources that we have,” Caswell told The…
Eric Stewart of BFC has published an article in CounterPunch: Notes of a Buffalo Campaigner Censorship and Cop Brutality in the New Bison Wars By Eric Stewart It is certainly worth a read and may shed light on what BFC activists perceive coming from agencies.
Far-reaching roadless legislation introduced in Congress. By Jason Kaufmann. Idaho Mountain Express. The bill, which affects the entire United States, not just Idaho, would make President Clinton’s roadless area protection rule into law, thus voiding President Bush’s weaker protection of roadless areas administrative action. The bill would not change the current use or non-use of…
There is good news! The public protest got all the way to the Secretary of Interior, and it’s clear the governor’s office got plenty involved too. Story in the Billings Gazette. Renewed hazing of bison produces results. By Jim Gransbery. The Buffalo Field Campaign has its news release. Dear Buffalo Friends, We have great news…
You’ve probably all heard that the President suddenly is interested in climate change and he even wants to have an international conference to set caps on emissions to establish “aspirational goals” on the emission of greenhouse gases. Every week Washington Post’s Dam Froomkin writes a long and detailed column about the White House — White…
We have all enjoyed Alan Gregory’s conservation news, and Alan has been a regular poster to this blog. I’m very sad to report “Alan was struck while cycling by an elderly driver turning left who failed to look in his oncoming direction on 4/29. He was within several hundred yards of being back home. He…
NASA Administrator Questions Need to Fight Global Warming. By Marc Kaufman. Washington Post Staff Writer. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin says that although global warming is changing Earth’s climate, he’s not convinced that is “a problem we must wrestle with.” The NASA chief — whose agency has come under fire in Congress for cutting several programs…
Jason Kauffman wrote a fine story on Copper Basin, a beautiful mountain valley hemmed in between the Pioneer and White Knob Mountains about 20 miles east of Hailey, Idaho. Copper Basin could be Idaho’s Lamar Valley with similar wildlife, and even better scenery, but it has a big problem . . . cows, lots of…