July 2007

  • Not a lot of people showed up, but then I think wolf opponents figure they have won the day. Here is the story from Helena, MT in the Helena Independent Record. As I learn more about the Cody hearing, it’s apparent that the scientific review process is bogus. The states will decide who reviews their…

  • The Ahorn and Fool Creek fires are behaving erratically and lightning has started a bunch of new fires in this wilderness area just to the south of Glacier NP. Story in the Great Falls Tribune. By Eric Newhouse Photos of the Ahorn Fire in the “Bob” post 1342

  • The Idaho Statesman put out a call to readers Monday to submit their best ideas for a national monument in Idaho. The idea seems to have come former Idaho Governor, and now Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthorne. Rocky Barker discusses it on his blog in the Statesman. I expect any national monument would be small.…

  • A truck driver hauling scrap iron along Idaho 52 Wednesday accidentally ignited a series of grass fires that threatened homes, closed the highway and knocked out electricity for more than 4,000 Idaho Power Co. customers.  Rest of the story in the Idaho Statesman. By Patrick Orr.

  • The Watersheds Messenger for Summer 2007 is on-line. Here is the pdf version (much better quality). This is the newsmagazine of the Western Watersheds Project. It has a lot of good articles, and they are not the bland generic stuff like that produced by many organizations.

  • Here is the AP story from the Casper Star Tribune. By Matthew Brown. The story got the main point — the 10j changes are designed to get around the legal “problem” of delisting the wolves by treating them on the ground as if they had been legally delisted. The story did not point out that…

  •  “Just like their polar bear relatives in the Arctic, Yellowstone grizzlies are rapidly losing habitat as a result of global warming. . . .” This story is columnist Joel Connelly’s at the Seattle Post Intelligencer, but I should add that failure to discuss or plan for the effects of climate change is one of the…

  • The biggest fire ever in Utah and the largest so far this year has been contained. Last update on Milford Flat at Inciweb. post 1336

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