August 11, 2007

  • Newsweek Takes On Global Warming “Deniers”. Blogged in Green Options. I read the Newsweek article. It thought the most significant point made is that contrary to those who say global warming deiers are being marginalized and can’t get funding to pursue their studies, just the opposite is true. If you have a Ph. D attached…

  • Wildlife officials start laying groundwork for wolf hunts. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. While this might turn out to be an erronous belief, most supporters of wolf recovery believe Montana will conduct a more restrained and thoughtful wolf hunt than Idaho. Wyoming, of course, is still a bit in limbo, but all the rhetoric is…

  • A thunderstorm started the Columbine fire on Friday. It has grown to over a thousand acres. It is 7 miles south of Sylvan Pass (over which traffic from the Park’s East Entrance passes). Story in the Billings Gazette. By Lance Benzel. Meanwhile the Owl Creek fire in the NW corner of the Park has been…

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