August 31, 2007

  • Map. Oh my !! The Zena-Loon is the bulk of the “East Fork Fire Complex” which is now 217, 263 acres. Here is a color coded fire progression map. They seem to update it daily. Another map I would like to see someone produce is how much of the country surrounding this fire progression map…

  • Idaho has no coal-fired power plants, notorious spewers of the toxic element mercury (which is a natural “contaminant” of coal). The emissions cap and trade program is a pollution control method designed for states with sources of atmospheric mercury (mostly coal plants). If Idaho were to opt into the program, that is basically saying “build…

  • Enviros: northern Arizona could be home to jaguars. By Cyndy Cole. Arizona Sun Staff Reporter. This certainly makes sense from the perspective of climate change, as the topics extend further and further north.

  • Craig has been just about enemy number one of preventing extinction of salmon runs in Idaho. Barker doesn’t say “enemy of salmon.” He takes the lighter, “leading defender of the BPA” (Bonneville Power Administration, which “wheels” the electricity from many of the salmon-killing dams on the Columbia River and the Snake River (both in the…

  • No doubt similiar situations are taking place all over the burning parts of Idaho (the Castle Rock fire is not nearly as large as the East Zone fire complex, east of McCall, for example). No doubt many wolf packs have moved too, out of the necessity of avoiding the flames and to follow the elk…

  • Castle Rock Fire battle ends where it began. Majority of remaining fire activity is along Warm Springs Creek. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The fire began in Warm Springs Creek, burned all over the place, and now the last major flames are back in Warm Springs Creek. Castle Rock Fire Perimeter Map.…

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