August 2007

  • A thunderstorm started the Columbine fire on Friday. It has grown to over a thousand acres. It is 7 miles south of Sylvan Pass (over which traffic from the Park’s East Entrance passes). Story in the Billings Gazette. By Lance Benzel. Meanwhile the Owl Creek fire in the NW corner of the Park has been…

  • Warren is a partial ghost town in Western Idaho. There is no longer any mining going on there. Much of the timber for miles around has burned in the last 20 years. Now it is threatened by the Zena/Loon Fire. Warm Lake, about 50 miles to the south of Warren may burn down too. It…

  • Here is some good news about one of the very most endangered mammals. Endangered [black-footed] ferret bounces back in Wyoming. By Alison Williams. LA Times Post 1428

  • Western Watersheds Project has been taking some heat from Idaho state legislator Bert Brackett – not to mention his politicians in Washington. Here is Western Watersheds Project’s response. And here is a picture of a sign erected in WWP’s honor near what remains of the Murphy Complex Fire. Added Aug. 10. The Idaho Fires were…

  • FWS intends to modify the Mexican Gray wolf recovery rules given the disappointing recovery thus far. As many wolves died so far this year as pups born. Feds ask for input on gray wolves program 55 or less remain in Arizona and New Mexico, far fewer than the 102 hoped for by 2006. FWS has…

  • Jim Caswell gets confirmed as BLM director of 264 million acres of public lands by voice vote Friday as Colorado Senator Ken Salazar folds his hold when promised a letter from Kempthorne. Salazar’s hold on the nomination was to protest against natural gas development in his district. Caswell’s comments to FWS in support of the…

  • Richard Thiel, Wisconsin’s first wolf biologist, received honors in DC for his role with wolf education. The article also gives a brief description of recovery in the mid-West. Tomah man honored for work with wolves The Tomah Journal By Keith Zukas

  • Western Governors yesterday held a press conference to declare war on cheatgrass. I can’t help but think back to an article on NewWest describing the importance of words when considering conservation politics – politics in general. We’ve got a good idea how politicians in cowboy suits conduct their perpetual wars. Now it’s been declared in…

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