August 2007

  • Here is story from heaven for anti-wolf folks. Kayaker fights off hungry wolf on B.C. coast. By Larry Pynn, CanWest News Service

  • Managers say no teams have all the people or equipment they need to battle wildfires in today’s hotter, drier world. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Rocky Barker has written a story that gives little support for the Craig/Crapo/Otter position that too many regulations on grazing and protection for the environmental have played a major role…

  • This wolf pack has become a favorite for folks traveling up and down Idaho Highway 75 between Galena Summit and North Fork because they are seen near by the highway. On one side of the road is the grazing allotment of Lava Lake Sheep and Livestock, run by Mike Stevens, a very progressive outfit that…

  • Research: Good pine nut years help bears. By Brodie Farquhar. Casper Star Tribune. With all the discussion on the blog about pine bark beetles, the importance of whitebark pine for grizzly bear nutrition and safety from human conflicts stands out. Whitebarks and grizzlies [and bear politics]. By Brodie Farquhar. Casper Star Tribune. post 1399

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