August 2007

  • If the BLM had only fought faster, if there were not all those regulations to protect the environment and native artifacts, then the huge Murphy range fire would have been quickly put out by nearby ranchers . . . that’s a key part of the tale they tell. Rocky Barker’s blog today says that “On…

  • Sunday was great fire expansion day all over Western Montana, NW Wyoming, central Idaho, and SE Idaho. Among the many fires, the Columbine Fire which had been slowly growing about 7 miles south of the East Entrance, blew up. Story on many of these fires in today’s (Aug. 13) Billings Gazette. Park’s East Entrance remains…

  • This is the link to the animated satellite image for Pocatello, Idaho and a wide area around it. Click on the link for 1 km animation and watch as the day progresses.Morning finds the many canyons of northern Idaho filled with dense, stable clouds of smoke. Moreover most of Montana is covered with smoke. As…

  • Although the Owl Fire has been contained and personnel demobilized, the Beaverdam, Columbine 1, and new Promontory Complex are burning rapidly. All three are SE Yellowstone backcountry fires. Folks will recognize The Promontory, which sticks out into Yellowstone Lake. It is on fire. Here is the Park’s wildfire page. The Inciweb Page is usualy better,…

  • Study: Antelope flourish in gas fields. By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune environmental reporter. The headline is contradicted by the very first paragraph of the story.  “JACKSON — Antelope do not appear to be unduly stressed so far on and around the Pinedale Anticline, but increased energy activity may change their use of the area, according…

  • 2007 fire conditions are off the charts Officials are finding it difficult to predict fire behavior because this year’s data don’t fit any model. Experts say climate change is a big part of this season’s extremes. By Rocky Barker, Idaho Statesman. Busy Week for Fires in Northern Rockies. Record-Breaking Fire Season? New West. By David…

  • Newsweek Takes On Global Warming “Deniers”. Blogged in Green Options. I read the Newsweek article. It thought the most significant point made is that contrary to those who say global warming deiers are being marginalized and can’t get funding to pursue their studies, just the opposite is true. If you have a Ph. D attached…

  • Wildlife officials start laying groundwork for wolf hunts. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. While this might turn out to be an erronous belief, most supporters of wolf recovery believe Montana will conduct a more restrained and thoughtful wolf hunt than Idaho. Wyoming, of course, is still a bit in limbo, but all the rhetoric is…

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