September 2007
For a conservation organization, the Nature Conservancy often seems not be very nature friendly, although usually have a political explanation. Here is the story from the Hays Daily News. It decribes how they poisoned prairie dogs in Logan County, Kansas. Prairie dogs are a species most groups are trying desperately to conserve. Phostoxin was used…
The first day of autumn brought cold and often heavy rains to much of Idaho and Montana which have been on fire since mid-July. Many fires will smolder on. It’s amazing how once a fire gets started in “heavy fuels,” meaning very dry (inside) logs, it can continue to slowly burn despite exterior conditions adverse…
Group not surprised by Yellowstone gate decision. AP. Idaho Statesman. But I am. Cody businesspeople almost always get their way with the Park, and despite the astronomic cost of keeping the East Entrance at Sylvan Pass open for a handful of snowmobilers, I thought the Park would be ordered to cave. So this is good…
Drought, lack of food, forcing central Idaho bears out of woods. By Todd Adams. Challis Messenger. Another story about this years “wayward” bears. This time it is not from a larger newspaper, but the Challis Messenger in Challis, pop. 1000. Photo of the cub in the story above.
Dr. Jon Way, who often posts here, has his book out, Suburban Howls, and there is a good interview with him on the radio. “The Point: Coyotes.“
This tax on hunting equipment has provided $5-billion for conservation over the last 75 years. It has done a lot of good, but it also ties the USFWS to”game” wildlife rather than wildlife in general. Regardless of your view, every conservationist should know about Pittman-Robertson and the related Dingell-Johnson Act (Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act)…
This is a major event each year in Wyoming, with a limited number of contestants trying to shoot an pronghorn with just one shot. Tradition Brings Hunters to Wyo. Event. By Ben Neary. Associated Press Writer. Governor Freudenthal is a great shooter, apparently loves hunting, worries about the decline of the sport; but doesn’t worry…
There have been a lot of article about this summer’s all time low ice pack, but this article from the Scientific American tells even more.