September 2007
This is from Rocky Barker’s blog, although I read a similarly outraged editorial in the North Idaho paper when I was recently driving around and hiking up there. Barker: Motorcyclist gets hand slapped for hitting hiker in wilderness study area. Idaho Statesman. I’d like to know more about this. Was the illegal motorcyclist a friend…
Hunter survives grizzly attack. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press writer. This is a new incident in the same general area and with different bears. On the 9th a Yellowstone Park employee who was hunting black bears was mauled by a grizzly too in the Gardiner area. . . . . more. I have learned that…
This is a piece in New West by George Wuerthner. Killing Wolves Violates Public Trust. Among other things Wuerthner argues that “state wildlife agencies [want to be] killing wolves merely to enhance hunter opportunity.” This isn’t true, and most in the agencies know it. Most state wildlife agencies are antagonistic to all carnivores because they…
Bluetongue is a disease carried by livestock which has been found to be spreading into game populations, killing antelope and white-tail deer. Montana has confirmed two deaths caused by the disease, and flights indicate a significant amount of dead animals: “Bluetongue can affect wildlife, and we got testing results back on our first two animals…
Wolves have been demonstrated to reduce coyote density in Grand Teton National Park and in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This from a study recently released by the Wildlife Conservation Society and reported by Science Daily. Coyote densities were 33 percent lower in wolf-abundant sites in the Tetons. Similarly, coyote densities declined 39 percent in…
Rocky Barker sheds some light on a lesser known appropriations rider that Larry Craig sought to pass. The language would have limited water taken from Idaho reservoirs for salmon recovery. Craig salmon-water rider has uncertain future There has been speculation about another appropriations rider in response to the Senator’s wish to increase grazing (errr… “fuels…
The AP has written a story about federal wildlife managers more aggressive wolf controls in Wyoming: Although the livestock deaths are dramatically lower so far, Jimenez said the same number of wolves has been removed because federal agents have “taken out more wolves quicker in shorter time frame to not allow packs to keep killing.”…
Demarcated Landscapes mourns another biological opinion issued by the US Fish & Wildlife Service late last week disregarding the effects of the US-Mexican border wall on jaguar migration. It has been hoped that a population may cross. The wall effectively cuts off two known corridors for jaguar migration along the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge…