September 2007
Another bit of bad news regarding bear. Yellowstone National Park safety manager, Ken Meyer, was injured by what is believed to be a grizzly bear along Little Trail Creek. He was hunting for black bear. Grizzly suspected in attack on park safety manager Mike Stark Billings Gazette
Officials are reporting the presence of a wolf in Washington. This from the Seattle Post Intelligencer. SPOKANE, Wash. — A calf in northeastern Washington was killed by a wolf, proving the endangered species is once again within the borders of Washington after being killed off decades ago, wildlife officials said Friday.
A guided hunter from Tennessee accidently shot a Grizzly in Central Idaho while baiting for black bear. Idaho Statesman: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game are investigating the killing of a large grizzly bear in north-central Idaho, where the last confirmed sighting of the species was in…
There’s been a lot of discussion about bear interaction and about the best way to prevent conflict. In a previous post Ralph shared a story about folk not knowing or caring enough to clean up their camp entitled ‘They’re not getting it’. The Rexburg Standard Journal has a story which suggests to me that not…
Tom Wharton, a columnist at the Salt Lake Tribune, takes on Utah’s Division of Wildlife Resources as being under the thumb of the state’s Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, to the detriment of predators and “a better, more holistic approach to wildlife management that recognizes the need for balance and the useful role predators play.”…
Idaho, Montana account for nearly two-thirds of major wildfires. Disaster News Network. I do think things are calming down, however, and I am taking off for a while to visit central Idaho. Returned on September 16. The wildfires did cool a bit, although there were a couple big runs in Montana. McCall, Cascade, and Riggins,…
Maryland Family Fights Off Bear. 134-Pound Sow Is First to Test Positive for Rabies in State. By Joe Holley. Washington Post.
This story is by Brodie Farquhar in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune. Good News for Griz — For Now Things look worse and worse for that critical fall food source of Greater Yellowstone grizzly bears — whitebark pine nuts. However, these stressed stands of high altitude trees have produced a bumper crop of nuts again…