October 16, 2007

  • Al Gore has obviously done a great deal to increase concern and interest in reducing the change in climate. While the polls show a large majority are now basically on his side, much of the pro and con derives from other political positions rather than any real scientific analysis before opinions of the average person…

  • Here is a shocker from the Casper Star Tribune today. Wyoming hunters kill four [or more] grizzlies. By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune environmental reporter. The grizzly no longer has federal protection in Wyoming (delisted). Wyoming’s penalties are lighter (on paper), but the high federal penalties were almost never levied. The outcome of this, assuming it…

  • The antiquated 1872 mining act is not just a rip off of the taxpayer, but with rising mineral prices, it is a great threat to our most scenic areas because that law says mining always comes first, and thousands of claims are being staked. Here is an article from the LA Times, and you can…

  • As Logging Fades, Rich Carve Up Open Land in West. New York Times. By Kirk Johnson. This is something that needs to be slowed or stopped if possible. Hardly any existing residents seem to like this trend, but hardly anyone suggests anything effective in stopping it. Repealing regulations protecting the environment from logging and grazing…

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