November 2007
Montana knapweed researcher sees work paying off. By Perry Backus. Missoulian. Aside from cheatgrass, the spread of the knapweeds: spotted knapweed, diffuse knapweed, Russian knapweed, and yellow starthistle, is probably the biggest exotic noxious plant problem in the West. Like cheatgrass, its adverse effects are often unappreciated by the casual observer of wildlife or those…
Idaho Fires lead to higher avalanche danger. KTVB 7. Much of the vast area burned is steep and turns into avalanche country when the trees are removed, even partially. The same will be true in parts of Montana where there were many fires. Right now snow pack is generally low. Avalanche center current reports. Sawtooth…
Guest Opinion. Billings Gazette. Wolf in the Rockies: Carnivore recovery or token effort? Finally, someone who doesn’t mention the “poor ranchers.” Of course, it’s a guest opinion.
Some good news for the vast, but increasingly threatened boreal region of Canada. Canada creates huge protected forest reserves. Area as big as 11 Yellowstones offers buffer from oil, mining. AP in MSNBC.
Wolf debate hits close to home for ranchers. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press This story has appeared under a number of headlines, but whatever it is titled, Matthew Brown’s recent piece on wolves reveals the difficulty the public has getting information because it has to cut through cultural hysteria and bad statistics on the wolf…
Yesterday Idaho issued a draft plan that is being called a plan to provide for “limited” hunting of wolves (would they call it anything else?). And of course, the media will buy that phrase, at least for a while. In fact my home town newspaper has just such an on-line poll this morning. “Do you…
The BLM is intent on turning even more prime wildlife habitat and trout streams over to the tender mercies of the oil companies. This story tells of their effort to retard this. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette.
There needs to be a special page of this important topic. Go to it.