January 2008

  • Ranch digs in heels for fight along the Tongue river. Deep-pocketed Mars fights energy development on land. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. Update Jan. 9 Judge rules against candy billionaire in fight over drilling. Drilling begins. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Writer

  • On National Public Radio, this is mostly audio, Government Revisits Contested [Mexican] Wolf Recovery Plan. By Ted Robbins. For those who like it by ear, this is an overview of the current controversy, government efforts for a better plan, and the incipient failure of the Mexican wolf restoration.

  • Go to http://www.footloosemontana.org/ and you will find the link near the top.

  • JB suggested I make a map based on Google Earth showing the topographic boundaries that would be natural choke points to keep free ranging outside-Yellowstone-Park bison confined so that they don’t keep continually expanding their range. Within this area, outside the Park, there would be a bison hunt to keep the population approximately stable. Additional…

  • The Times-News has a story highlighting some history concerning bighorn sheep in southern Idaho. Hunting for history: The return of the southern Idaho bighorn sheep By Ron Yates Stories concerning bighorn sheep have focused on the majestic animals’ past. But recent reports of developments concerning their management, reported in real time, have prompted positive results…

  • A nice thing about a number of the isolated mountain ranges in the Great Basin is there are no domestic sheep, making the reintroduction of bighorn possible. The reclamation of historic bighorn range is largely limited by domestic sheep, which quickly pass killer diseases to their wild cousins. “Big day for bighorns: Mountain sheep get…

  • Winter conflicts with bison could increase. By Corey Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. I don’t like this headline. There is a conflict only because the government chooses to make one. There is plenty of unused winter habitat for the bison outside the Park. It is that they are just not allowed to use it,…

  • On Dec. 31, a cougar’s houndsman’s dogs ran into a wolf pack and one ended up dead and one injured, but that is not the end of what has been a fairly common story. The article describes how those who run hounds in extreme NW Montana have changed their tactics and communicate with each other…

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