January 2008

  • This is from the Jackson Hole News and Guide. It’s about how 100 bighorn sheep struggle to survive in the heights of the Tetons. It is a marginal existence, but the destruction of the bighorns of the Snake River Range and other mountain chains to the south and southeast, which would provide better habitat is…

  • Jaguar recovery efforts lack support from federal agency. By Staci Matlock. The New Mexican More from National Geographic News. Added 1-23-2008. U.S. Jaguar Plan Foiled by Border Fence, Critics Say. H. Josef Hebert. Associated Press 

  • I got a kick out of this snippet from the Idaho Statesman and thought I’d share : “Those people that believe in shooting animals through a fence after enticing them to the fence with a bucket of grain ought to turn the rifle around the other way,” said Andrus, a Democratic former governor and U.S.…

  • Idaho Senate Resources & Environment committee meeting by BE. Perhaps just my feeling, but this tells us so much about the players and their priorities.

  • The supposed highly negative effect of wolves on the elk populations in the upper Clearwater River area of North Central Idaho has long been a talking point by Idaho Fish and Game and a number of local hunting organizations and public officials. I predicted wolves would be blamed when the elk population dropped off in…

  • Governor Richardson is back in New Mexico after his failed bid for President and trying the repel the attack by Bush/Kempthorne and the oil companies. Editorial: Guv quickly returns to enviro-battlefield. The New Mexican.

  • “Why hasn’t the polar bear been granted federal protection? Maybe because the Bush administration plans a last-minute handout of oil leases on its habitat.” No Bears for Oil. By Katharine Mieszkowski. Salon Magazine (may require a subscription to read the full article on-line). In a related matter, there has been some loss of interest by…

  • There are a fair number of mountain lions in the mountains around Pocatello (where I live) and nearby. There is a story like this about every 3 or 4 years. 3 malnourished cougar kittens killed in E. Idaho. AP Update Jan. 31. This action has not gone down well. There have been a lot of…

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