January 2008

  • The National Park Service has come out against the giant coal-fired electrical generating plant planned for north of Ely, Nevada. Now it and majority leader Harry Reid are in opposition as well as it appear local residents. Park Service: Ely, Nevada coal-fired power plant plan ‘unacceptable‘. Elko Daily Free Press.

  • Record Warm Summers Cause Extreme Ice Melt In Greenland. Science Daily. Despite debate about reducing CO2 emissions, I think it is politically impossible. Humans are not capable of organizing themselves to do it. Self interest, denial, nationalism, religion, and too many other human organizational factors are in the way. At any rate, reducing emission growth…

  • As if to underscore Jan. 15 concern of the members of the US House Natural Resources Committee members, Idaho’s State Senate Resources and Environment Committee had a hearing today with the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners into a variety of wildlife unfriendly subjects such as wolves, bighorn sheep and sage grouse — those species Idaho’s…

  • This is from today’s — Jan 16, 2008 — edition of the Jackson Hole News and Guide, page 29A. It’s not on-line. Wolves, not drought, kill elk, hunters say “Bill Hoppe, president of the Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, called (Doug) Smith’s conclusions (that drought caused the general decline in elk body condition)…

  • Congressmen ask Kempthorne to delay delisting wolves in the West. Billings Gazette. This won’t stop delisting. It’s a political warning (“don’t stage a big reduction slaughter) from a bipartisan group on the House Natural Resources Committee.

  • Idaho’s roadless plan is good but it needs tweaking, Risch says. He says it needs to further restrict logging, but conservationists say that revision is not enough. Idaho Statesman. By Erika Bolstad. This roadless area plan was developed by Risch in 2006 while he was briefly governor. He was one of just a few governors…

  • Nelson Guda has developed and deployed an incredible new resource for the location, description, and maps of the roadless areas. His website http://roadlessland.org allows users to look at photos and comments about individual roadless areas and to upload their own comments and photos. Because this was just announced, so far there are not a lot…

  • Writers on the Range. Whatever you say: The fight’s gone out of Western agitators.  By Todd Wilkinson

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