February 2008

  • Barker writes about Idaho Fish and Game’s decision to continue its policy to move or kill bighorn sheep that have contact with domestic sheep. My view is the woodgrowers are getting more publicity than is good for them, but there yet needs to be some national news attention on this. The woolgrowers are also getting…

  • The latest Science Magazine shows that certain biofuels (especially corn-based) make climate change even worse. They do not help fix it. Story in New West. Corn Fuel = CO2 Emissions. By Richard Martin.

  • Senators rip Forest Service over wildfire budget cuts. By Noelle Straub. Casper Star-Tribune Washington bureau. Mark Rey is a protege of disgraced Senator Larry Craig. Currently he lords over the Forest Service

  • “A jackrabbit found throughout much of the West has disappeared from the Yellowstone area, although the reason why remains a mystery, a new study concludes.” Scientist says jackrabbits are gone from Yellowstone. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press writer. Dr. Joel Berger seems to be doing a lot of newsworthy research.

  • Yes it produces oil, but also more negative externalities (environmental and other damage) than any other on-going project on the planet, according to an Canadian environmental group. Environmentalists’ report to call for Ottawa to act on oil sands. By Bill Curry. The Globe and Mail View. Toxic Alberta. Part of a 15 part series.

  • People argue over coal versus wind, versus solar versus nuclear, but the least cost source of new energy is greater efficiciency of use. This isn’t really a brand new finding. It has been known since the 1970s. It may seem new to decision-makers, however, who out of ignorance or intent, choose to focus only on…

  • F&G will move or kill bighorns to keep them from mixing with sheep. Interim strategy to prevent domestic herds from passing disease to wild ones has woolgrowers’ support but draws fire from sportsmen, Nez Perce and environmentalists. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. So the outrage forced upon Idaho Fish and Game has been officially announced.…

  • Wolves at the Door of a More Dangerous World By Virginia Morell. Science Magazine. Feb. 15, 2008. “Weeks away from being removed from the endangered species list, wolves in the northern Rockies may soon be hunted once more.” This will cost you $10 to purchase online. You can also find it at most libraries. It…

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