The story on howlboxes had the latest map [link now dead] of the location of Montana wolf packs.
The Montana wolf population has been improving rapidly (my view) the last several years, with lots of areas with gaps filling in, but Idaho plans to decimate the wolf population in the upper Clearwater River area along the Idaho/Montana border could have a large effect on Montana wolf packs because many of the packs cross back and forth over the state line or are derived from Idaho wolf packs. Given a big wolf reduction effort in Idaho’s upper Clearwater, the Montana wolves would continually migrate back into the killing zone in Idaho.
Which brings up a question I have had for some time. Does any one know what the status of the wolves that immigrated naturally will be under delisting?
They are all part of the Northern Rockies DPS and will be delisted, although their distinct status in the past might continue if the new 10j rule is not rejected by the court, but delisting is set aside by the court.
Does a simular map exist for Idaho? If so will someone post it or a link to it. Thanks
There is a 2006 map. The 2007 map will probably appear soon
I hope you will submit a post or two occasionally to Learning in the Great Outdoors, the carnival of environmental education. I think the teachers, homeschoolers, and other nature enthusiasts who read LIGO would enjoy your wildlife news.
Ralph: I hear Montana, responding to pressure from pro-wolfers, is in the process of modifying its mgt. plan to kill fewer but Wyoming and Idaho are hanging tough. What’s your take on the numbers game less than 2 weeks before D-Day? 1500 wolves total today. Where do the 3 states want that number to be a year from now? Only a few weeks ago it would have been 300. Regards, Jim
No Montana improved their plan a little bit. Idaho improved their plan a lot.
Wyoming seems to be unchanged.
The 2007 Wolf Activity Map for Idaho
Does anyone have a link to a Wyoming wolf pack map?
There is a map in the Yellowstone Wolf Project annual report. (there is a map on that webpage, but open up the actual report for a better map). That map is only for the yellowstone park itself though.