The delisting of the wolf is scheduled to go into effect March28. The boundaries of the delisted zone are “generous,” wiping out federal protection in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Utah as well as Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
A radio-collared wolf from Idaho’s Timberline pack dispersed into the NE Oregon Wallowas last winter. This wolf and all others in the entirely of Oregon will continue to be protected because Oregon has a fairly strong state wolf plan.
Meanwhile the wolf is being watched closely, and there is evidence of more single wolves and a least one group in the state.
Wolves get federal delisting in Eastern Oregon. Wallowa Chiefton.
Earlier story. Radio-Collared Gray Wolf from Idaho is Verified In Northeast Oregon. Jan. 24, 2008.
Later story. Wolf actions elsewhere won’t affect Oregon rules. Wyoming, Montana and Idaho have ended endangered status. Statesman-News. This story describes the Oregon state wolf plan.