March 2008

  • Eleven conservation groups have notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service they will be sued for issuing their rule delisting the wolf in the Northern Rockies. Story (one of many similar). This, of course, has been expected for a long time. So to try to shore up what might be a losing action on their,…

  • This is hillarious article, although not by intent. The “wolf kill” is not about dead wolves, but the shocking realization by some rural north Idaho folks that wolves kill and eat deer and elk.  Lucky there was at least one “avid outdoorsman” among them so these appalling facts could be uncovered. We also learn that…

  • The news release below was posted March 4. This morning, this article appeared in the Billings Gazette. Activists try to stop bison hazing. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. The headline is poorly descriptive. – – – – – – – – For release. March 4, 2008 Contact: Timothy Preso, Earthjustice, (406) 586-9699 Michael Mease, Buffalo…

  • First wolf found in Mass. in 160 years. By Beth Daley, Boston Globe Staff Update: Here is a more detailed story. Boston Globe. 

  • Are Wolves The Pronghorn’s Best Friend? Wolves benefit pronghorn by keeping coyotes in check. Coyotes are a very serious predator of pronghorn fawn, whereas wolves pretty much ignore them. ScienceDaily. Mar. 3, 2008 — As western states debate removing the gray wolf from protection under the Endangered Species Act, a new study by the Wildlife…

  • Last summer, the Murphy fire burned a huge swatch of the Owyhee country in SW Idaho (and northern Nevada). Ever since the BLM has been under intense pressure to do the wrong things such as graze lands that burned rather than let them recover. Some of the ranchers here have very high political connections. The…

  • According to Ed Bangs and observations on the ground, probably all of the Buffalo Ridge wolf pack near Clayton, Idaho have been now been shot for repeatedly picking off a few tiny cow calves born in the bone chilling winter and pastured next to the vast central Idaho wilderness. Lynne Stone of the Boulder White…

  • U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has wanted to back out of a court mediated deal to conduct and complete a “status review” on the sage grouse by May 2009. A status review looks at the the scientific literature to see if adding a species to the endangered or threatened species list is warranted. Earlier…

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