March 2008

  • Government denies protected status for wolverines in mainland U.S. By John Cramer of the Missoulian. From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. . . “Enviros are most worried that the Bushies now appear to be saying they don’t have to protect animals inside U.S. borders if lots of them are living in Canada or Mexico. Defenders of Wildlife…

  • Well maybe . . . the article is more of a hope than report of the facts. Victoria shifts away from development of Flathead Valley. But permanent protection still needed for rare treasure. Kathryn Molloy, Vancouver Sun

  • Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front seems to be the only place in the Rocky Mountains where the oil companies are not getting what they want. That’s good news, but unfortunately the exception that proves the rule. Energy company cedes its oil, gas leases along Front to Trout Unlimited. Kohlman Co. gives 33,411 acres to Trout Unlimited…

  • McCain Sees Pork Where Scientists See Success. Candidate Criticizes Ambitious Bear Study. By Joel Achenbach. Washington Post Staff Writer. In fact, if this $3-million project was a total waste and there are 1000 projects out there that are of the same cost, that’s only 3-billion dollars out of a budget of $2 ½ trillion. McCain…

  • The story on howlboxes had the latest map [link now dead] of the location of Montana wolf packs. The Montana wolf population has been improving rapidly (my view) the last several years, with lots of areas with gaps filling in, but Idaho plans to decimate the wolf population in the upper Clearwater River area along…

  • Audio device uses howls to keep track of wolves. By John Cramer of the Missoulian A lot of people don’t like radio collars on wolves. These “howlboxes” could eliminate much of the incentive to collar them. It ought to make photographers happy and elminate the impact a collar has on wolf behavior. On the other…

  • There is often something or things out there people want to talk about, but there is no relevant thread. That is the purpose of this post — to provide an open forum

  • Montana biologist revokes his claim that white-tailed jackrabbits have disappeared from Greater Yellowstone. Casper Star Tribune. By Matthew Brown. According the the article, Dr. Jim Halfpenny of Gardiner has reported a lot of jackrabbit sign inside Yellowstone Park on the northern range. Five other biologists also reportedly contacted Dr. Joel Berger who had made the…

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