April 2008

  • Buffalo Requiem: Indian ceremony honors slaughtered bison. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. The Billings Gazette did a major story on the Native American ceremony to honor the 1500 plus Yellowstone Park bison the Montana Department of Livestock has killed this winter. Related: Change in bison policy comes slowly. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This is…

  • Photogenic grizzly family making last show together. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Grand Teton biologist says mother No. 399 is likely to send her cubs off on their own in a few weeks.

  • Northern New Mexico rancher kills 39 pronghorn with a shotgun and ATV. By Jeff Jones. ABQJournal.com Note this newspaper will let you read one article for free. A 1997 New Mexico law allows ranchers to shoot “crop-threatening game.” There is too much of this going on in the West, and it is time for a…

  • Record number of grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year. By Mark Hume. The Globe and Mail. Usually about 300 grizzlies are taken. In 2007 it was 430. Is this sustainable?

  • 4 tribes agree to settlement on restoring salmon runs. By Hal Bernton. Seattle Times. Environmentalists: Agreements won’t save salmon. Deals reached with Idaho and Northwest tribes provide funding for habitat work. By Greg Stahl. Idaho Mountain Express. Related, the presidential candidates on dams and salmon. Candidates not ready to take sides on salmon, dams. By…

  • Proposed Bear Lake pump project has few supporters. Many worry energy project could alter the lake’s natural beauty. By Arrin Newton Brunson. Salt Lake Tribune, and Local Environmentalist Speaks Out Against Bear Lake Hydroelectric Proposal. Most folks in SE Idaho and Northern Utah are well aware of Bear Lake, a long and very deep lake…

  • Delisting could keep wolves from spreading. By Mike Stark. Associated Press. Of course, that was Dept. of Interior’s goal in drawing the boundaries. Kempthorne, Bush, et al don’t like endangered species, nor any kind of wildlife very much unless it has been turned into a kind of livestock. More. Let wolves live: Wyoming ‘plan’ is…

  • I was recently in the Park. The snow is incredibly deep in mid-April (deep even for winter). It is snowfree, however, at Gardiner (typical — strong rainshadow). That is where the wintering wildlife migrate to and then north out of the Park. They all do it, except for bison it is an almost certain death…

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