May 2008
Oregon is cracking down a bit on shooting elk in an enclosure. Idaho seems to be the Western state that is relentlessly backward on this odious practice. Prohibition on shooter bulls goes into effect next year. The East Oregonian
Over the last 5 days, information about bills to protect the Wyoming Range, Snake River, deal with the Owyhee Country, etc. have been dribbling out. May 7 was a big day for this kind of legislation in the U.S. Senate Committee. A lot of it was minor, but not all. I don’t just mean the…
I found this documentary (The Bison Haze) linked to the Buffalo Field Campaign blog.
Here is more on the striking decline in air quality in the Pinedale, Wyoming area. Pollution blamed on drilling industry. Associated Press More on May 12. Once-idyllic Pinedale is ground zero in debate over energy quest, quality of life By Brandon Griggs. The Salt Lake Tribune
Earlier we had a thread on being exposed to the outdoors and a life long interest in wildlife/conservation/fitness, etc. I had no idea that “Congress is considering A No Child Left Inside Act that would make federal funds available for environmental education.” What a good idea! Story in the Denver Post. Learning goes into the…
Owyhees bill hits a new snag. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Efforts to move the headwaters of the Snake River into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System could derail Idaho Senator Mike Crapo’s Owyhees bill. Once again the person troubling Crapo is Idaho’s other “more famous” senator, Larry Craig. Craig who voted against protecting…
Both Idaho and Montana have now announced weekly wolf reports. Earlier I posted Idaho’s. Montana first reports is actually a summary of matters from March 9 to May. 2. Here is the link to the pdf file. It appears that the place these reports will be posted is
George Wuerthner gives a thoughtful critique of conservation easements as a conservation strategy : Why Cows Aren’t Always Worse Than Condos The Problems with Conservation Easements by George Wuerthner