June 2008

  • WWPblog links to a poll released today which demonstrates that Southwesterners Want Wolves – by a hefty margin no less ! Update : Reconquistas ! – Demarcated Landscapes As many know, the restoration of the Mexican wolf to the southwest has been obstructed by Fish & Wildlife Service’s unabashed placation of the livestock industry –…

  • Dan Brister examines the possible connection between Corriente cattle and the recent brucellosis outbreaks causing the loss of Montana’s brucellosis-free status. He questions whether cattle may be the source of the outbreaks rather than wildlife. Montana to lose brucellosis-free status Dan Brister from Buffalo Field Campaign West Yellowstone News. Meanwhile, Bill Schneider is busy Debunking…

  • The long winter has had an effect on ungulate populations in Idaho so hunting permits, especially moose permits, will be reduced so as not to effect the populations as much for the coming winter. Winter Kill in Idaho KPVI TV – Pocatello, Idaho Be Sure to watch the attached video as well as it contains…

  • As suggested in an earlier post (or two), the Bush Administration’s Fish & Wildlife Service is doing its best to take its decision to list polar bears and extend federal protections to oil companies with it : Oil Companies Get OK To Annoy Bears – AP

  • With relatively high gas prices, oil companies, their political puppets, and media continue the reverberation suggestive of the idea that drilling for oil on federal lands will bring prices down. Framing policy issues in the media is the first step – the take comes shortly after. It seems logical that drilling on federal lands would…

  • WildEarth Guardians continues its actions to protect species en masse in filing an Emergency Petition to list 32 of the most imperiled species among the nearly 700 for which the groups has filed suit to protect already. Bid aims to protect 32 species – Chicago Tribune

  • On the eave of Bill Clinton’s leave from office his administration, among other things, issued orders protecting 60 million acres of public lands from further road development as well as protections for lands by designating National Monuments.  Robust moves like these are made at the hind-end of an administration as there is little threat of…

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