June 2008

  • Update: The story as told by the Associated Press. Dog died at cyanide trap set in an off-limits area EPA: Coyote poison wrongly placed on public road in Utah. By Mike Stark. The AP fails to mention that the dogs’ owner was poisoned too. Unfortunately too, so far he has failed to get compensation from…

  • Vote on climate bill is blocked in Senate. By H. Josef Hebert. Associated Press Writer. The next Congress will look a lot different. – – – – U.S. Senate Abandons Global Warming Bill. By J.R. Pegg. Environmental News Service – – – – Republicans thwart McCain ‘greenwash’. By Leonard Doyle. The Independent (U.K) – –…

  • There have been a lot of posts here on the failure to protect and add the beautiful range plant, slickspot peppergrass to the endangered species list. Once again, the federal courts have told the Administration to get off its butt. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was ordered by Idaho federal judicial district to reconsider…

  • Will judge Molloy issue a split decision on wolves? Barker’s blog is in the Idaho Statesman. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the outcome.

  • Late season, high altitude snowmobiling has been a contentious issue for a long time on the Flathead National Forest. Here is a victory for bear conservationists. Judge Molloy limits late snowmobiling season in favor of Flathead grizzlies. Daily InterLake. By Jim Mann

  • Finland’s Wolf Population Drops; More Bears Sighted. YLE News.

  • The New York Times details a recent lawsuit filed yesterday by environmentalists to stop the feedlot-like conditions of the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming. Suit Opposes Elk Feeding in Wyoming – New York Times. By Jim Robbins. The spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threatens wildlife given its recent proximity to the “refuge” and is…

  • There is a “showdown” hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee June 5 on the regulation of off-road vehicles on public lands. This is a news release from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. No doubt off-road groups will have a different view. – – – – – – For Immediate Release: June 4,…

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